Monday, December 31, 2012

Bob and Audrey Meisner on It's Supernatural with Sid Roth - Supernatural...

God really blessed me a lot in my acting this past month and helped me get on this special episode acting as a pastor.  Ok, here are the time frames where you can see my acting contribution.
I appreciate any prayer/good thoughts towards wonderful new things and acting jobs/exposure for the new year 2013.  Thanks, guys!

6:25-7:00, 7:30-7:40, 10:15-10:35, 16:31-16:55

It is really neat how all this got set up for me to be a part of it.
The main actor is a friend of mine, Jim Cunningham, whom I think does a really great job, and in a few scenes moved me to tears right along with him.

We filmed this episode in Marietta, Georgia.

Bob and Audrey Meisner on It's Supernatural with Sid Roth - Supernatural...