1. Water
2. Food
3. Clothes
4. Housing
5. Protection
6. Security
7. Preservation
8. Self-actualization
9. Significance
Most of us would probably agree that we do strive for all of these things. People work every day, many times more than one job just to secure them. Has our basic priority become that of mere survival?
Okay, now the PRIORITY OF GOD;
God's priority seems to be completely opposite to that of man's.
Jesus identifies the Kingdom as being more important than food, water, clothing, shelter, and every other basic human need when he said;
"seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and everything you need for life will be added to you."-Matthew 6:33
Matt 18:3 NIV
ReplyDeleteJesus said:
"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
The kingdom of God or God’s priorities are not in contrast with our needs. They are in perfect unison, if God is the source of our needs. But if we think our money or our job or our own efforts are our source of our needs then we don’t trust in God to provide our every need. We will end up putting all our strength and energy in acquiring all our needs for ourselves. But with trust in God we lay aside all our concerns for our daily needs and put all our efforts into seeking first the kingdom of God and God provides us with everything we need, often slower than we would like but He provides. Is it possible to seek God and put all your energy in the Kingdom, to personally grow in the understanding of God and then learn how to share that understanding with others? Easier said than done, because it is against our natural tendencies to not worry about all these things we think we need.
Unless we become like children who don’t worry about if their parent’s have money in the bank account to buy groceries, pay our mortgage, and car payments or not then we cannot see the Kingdom. If they outgrow the clothes we bought for them last month and there is no more money for more new clothes so soon, children don’t worry about it, they know the money will come.
The last paragraph Dan is great, we know it will be there, like God loving us, the sun rising tomorrow, the wind blowing. The Kingdom is the source of all of it. The Kingdom is more important, because everything exists from the Kingdom. Since we did not create Creation, The Kingdom, so like our children, we know God does Create it all.
ReplyDeletegreat comments!...love the flow.
ReplyDeleteAmen to both. I read yesterday in Matt. 6, last part, Jesus mentioned "don't worry", or the word worry about 6 times. I believe He knew we would be tempted to do this so often, hence the need to become as little children.
Yes, I believe that everything we need is within the Kingdom. God bless you all with a great day, I hope to post again before everyone gets up, we'll see.