Friday, October 16, 2009

Kingdom First, then the rest.

I think repetition is good so I put more here about seeking the kingdom first, however, this passage comes from a very recent paraphrase of bishop Jim Swilley, as he is currently writing Luke In The Now. You can read more at

This is from Luke 12:
31. But seek out and search for a revelation of His Kingdom in and through every circumstance, and in every situation. When you prioritize the Kingdom in this way, then you can be sure that everything in your personal world will come into order, and that all you need for your daily provision will just automatically flow into your life, and will be added to you as a result of your quest.

32. Don't be afraid of anything, little flock, because it pleases your Father to no end to give you the abundance of the Kingdom.

33. When you can, sell some of your possessions and give the money to the poor. Create a spiritual bank for yourselves that will not ever be emptied...treasures in the heavenly dimension that will never be devalued...a secure place that no bank robber can penetrate, and no pest can destroy.

34. The bottom line is this...where your treasure is, there your affections and thoughts will be, also."
Now from me...
May you see and comprehend the kingdom today that is already shining into the darkness.
Life was in Him, and that life was the light of men.- from John 1:4,5

I pray that God reveals secret, and intimate things to you today...that you are given wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. May you walk in godly insight, perception and discernment.

I say with the authority that the Holy Spirit gives me as a believer, that you walk in a release from every anxiety and agitation that may depress you...and that you understand those things that are really happening to you from "seeing the big picture."

I love you...God bless you!


  1. What a lovely prayer. Thank you, it's just what I need.

  2. Sharilyn, glad to see you stopping by again... blessings!

    I'm glad that you found something you needed. God's peace to you.
